Monday, May 24, 2010

These are especially bad

Victim "I like my nose. It's me, even though it has a bump in it"
DC "I don't know. I think you'd be prettier with a nose job. Not that you're not pretty right now or anything."

Victim "My life has no direction and I have no idea what to do"
DC "You're full of shit. You know that."

Victim "whatta ya think of my art, I mean."
DC "I love how you don't know what you're doing. It's adorable, and by adorable I mean shitty. If you want to get better, let me know."

Victim "I think my ass is fat. I wish I was as skinny as I used to be."
DC "Now don't get me wrong, but some people, including me, are into that fat ass look."

Victim "Being smart is all that I had growing up"
DC "You know that doesn't matter at all, right?"

Sunday, March 28, 2010

"You teach people....

Victim (Me) "I don't know why you guys are giving me so much shit"
DC (James Angelo) "You teach people how to treat you, Jon"

Cool Glasses

DC "Those glasses really look good on you"
Victim "Yeah, that's what everybody keeps telling me"
DC "Or maybe they just make you look different or something...I don't know"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

march 4th, I think

Other "so, what do you guys think of her"
DC "She's outta your league....she's outta my league"

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Old Dream crushings

Some old dream crushes I was too lazy to post properly.

Today someone asked "why are you even in this class" after seeing one of my drawings in portrait drawing class and being a little frustrated at there own work.
Though I know I'm not amazing or anything at drawing, I still responded without thinking "I don't know. Maybe I felt it would help out my self confidence a little."
February 4, 2010 1:49 PM

and of course

At the gym two weeks ago I bumped into someone I see around occasionally.
Them: "Wow, you look good"
Me: "Um Ok....I mean thanks"
Them: "I think I've gained weight since I've been here. How do I look, I mean, in comparison to when you last saw me"-this is where they spin around some.
Me: "I...don't remember"
February 27, 2010 11:18 AM

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Some time after starting my current job, I was named "dream-crusher" by my friends at work because of my inherent ability to give harsh criticism to individuals simply trying to be optimistic.
"I would like to be a professional photographer one day. I think it would be really neat."

"You know that can take an intense amount of schooling, purchasing ridiculously expensive equipment, and besides, even if your any good, odds are nobody's gonna see your shit anyway unless you're really lucky, like lottery lucky. If you don't mind that aspect of it, sure. Be a photographer."

Later, aspects of the definition of "Dream-Crusher" were stretched to back handed complements and just plain being an asshole.

"I just got my haircut. Do you like it?"

"Yeah. I noticed it was a little less messed up than normal. I mean it's not doing that weird birds nest thing it usually does."

So in creating this blog, I plan to document the occurrences in my life which involve dream-crushing, both by my own doing and by my friends and other people around me.

Please feel free to comment or add any that I have missed...