Monday, May 24, 2010

These are especially bad

Victim "I like my nose. It's me, even though it has a bump in it"
DC "I don't know. I think you'd be prettier with a nose job. Not that you're not pretty right now or anything."

Victim "My life has no direction and I have no idea what to do"
DC "You're full of shit. You know that."

Victim "whatta ya think of my art, I mean."
DC "I love how you don't know what you're doing. It's adorable, and by adorable I mean shitty. If you want to get better, let me know."

Victim "I think my ass is fat. I wish I was as skinny as I used to be."
DC "Now don't get me wrong, but some people, including me, are into that fat ass look."

Victim "Being smart is all that I had growing up"
DC "You know that doesn't matter at all, right?"

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